本生產(chǎn)線是采用連鑄連軋的工藝方法生產(chǎn)φ8mm光亮銅桿,原材料為廢舊紫銅。 This machine is used to produce copper rod in diameter 8mm by adopting a technology of continuous casting and rolling. Scraps copper are used as its raw materials. 3.簡單工藝流程-Brief Technical Process 廢舊紫銅- Scraps copper →熔化-melting → 連鑄機-casting → 打毛機-cast bar→ 校直機-straightening and shaving → 連軋機-rolling→冷卻和氧化cooling & de-oxidation → 收線裝置-coiling 2.1.出桿直徑-Diameter of Copper rod: 8mm 2.2.生產(chǎn)能力-Production capacity: 12 - 18 tons/h